What Nutrients Does My Body Need And Where Can I Get Them?

By Enid Hinton

A report by the US Department of Agriculture indicates that most adults are not getting enough of the essential nutrients. This has been cited as the cause of major health events in most adults. To avoid such complications, each individual should ask what nutrients does my body need and where can I get them?

Calcium- the daily average requirement is 1,000 milligrams. Calcium is essential in strengthening teeth and bones. The groups that require calcium most based on their biological needs include men beyond 70 years and women beyond 50 years, children and adolescent. The report cites dark leafy vegetables like spinach, fish with bones and dairy products as excellent sources of Calcium.

Potassium- an adult requires an average of 4,000 milligrams of potassium in a day. It is used to neutralize the damages of excessive intake of salt as well as regulate blood pressure. The benefits of adequate potassium intake include protection against bone loss and kidney stone. Potassium can be gotten from soybeans, bananas, yogurt, potatoes and tomato paste.

Magnesium- the minimum requirement for an adult is 380 milligrams. Magnesium is used in energy production and also supports the working of arteries, the heart and muscles. Seeds, halibut, other fish, bran and nuts are excellent sources of Magnesium.

Vitamin A- This nutrient is associated with cellular growth and maintenance. The recommended daily intake is 2,300 milligrams. It is vital for production of red blood cells, enhancing vision, boosting the immune system and embryonic development. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A include green and leafy vegetables, orange vegetables and organ meat. Vitamin A is especially important to persons between the ages of 4 and 18, adults above 51 years, alcohol abusers, vegetarians and obese persons, among others.

Vitamin C- a daily intake of 75 milligrams is sufficient for an adult. Vitamin C serves as a strong antioxidant and supports the body in fighting diseases. It is useful in development and maintenance of connective tissues through production of collagen. Vitamin C is available in adequate amounts from green and red pepper, kiwis, citrus fruits and guavas.

Vitamin E- It assists in repairing damaged cells in the body and is a very strong antioxidant. It is required for healthy eyes. You will require 15 milligrams on daily basis. The best sources of Vitamin E include peanut butter, Almond, some oils and ready to eat cereals. Tomato paste and spinach are excellent sources as well.

Fiber- over 25 grams of fiber are required every day. They can be obtained from fruits, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. They keep away diabetes and protect you from coronary heart disease. Fiber also helps in digestion and maintaining a healthy coronary system.

To maintain a healthy body, you must make these nutrients part of your diet on daily basis. Experts recommend that you take varieties of foods instead of resulting to multivitamins. This is necessary in enhancing absorption of necessary micronutrients by the body. Consult a doctor or nutritionist in case of deficiency despite consuming the recommended foods. This is the right professional to recommend a dietary supplement after thorough evaluation.

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