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asthma treatment |
Is there a cure for asthma? Nobody can really say if there is a cure for asthma or not but a lot of different possible asthma treatments have been proposed. Up until today, the possible asthma treatments may work on a person to person basis. And yet people with asthma do not give up easily because they have hope that someday, they would be able to know how to treat asthma and perhaps live a longer life. Successfully, current asthma treatments have been grouped into two: the first category is the kind of asthma treatment that focuses on preventing the symptoms from triggering an attack and the second category is composed of asthma treatments that help alleviate the symptoms that of the asthma attack from elevating into a full blown asthma attack.
People who have been suffering from asthma for a long time would agree if you say that asthma is one of the most difficult diseases to control. The reason for this is that asthma can be triggered by just about anything and everything. People may eat foods that could trigger an asthma attack just because they were not aware that they were allergic to it. Some may have difficulty breathing in the morning just because they weren’t able to get enough sleep the night before. There are also others who suffer from an asthma attack after cleaning their room or the house because they were not aware that dust mites could trigger the attack. The lack of knowledge of what could trigger their asthma is really one of the reasons that make it hard for people to come up with the challenges that asthma poses.
And yet even with an understanding of what can trigger asthma, there are still people who can suffer from it and this is when people are in search for possible options on how to treat asthma. Some are lucky to find a treatment plan that could work for them not only because it is able to reduce the risk of asthma complications but the treatment plan does not require them to make a total change in their lifestyle while there are others who have spent a lifetime to find ways on how to treat asthma but has never found one that would suit them, their lifestyle and their budget. And yet people often forget that the best way to treat asthma is really to go back to what is natural. Asthma is a disease that people suffer from because that moved away from what is healthy.
With the numerous so called healthy ways of recovering from asthma, which one of them could work best for me? The question of which asthma treatment can work for you is not answerable by a doctor’s recommendation alone. It needs your commitment and your understanding that the natural method will be difficult but it will be fruitful in the end. Sometimes, even if people say that they would like their asthma to be treated, they often end up suffering from the worst forms of an asthma attack simply because they did not stick to their natural treatment plan.
People who are suffering asthma must stick to their plan to make it work. It is usually a mixture of proper diet enhanced by a healthy serving of fresh fruits and vegetables and at the same time a regular exercise routine. It is only through this that one would be able to fully recover from asthma and perhaps never suffer from an asthma attack for a very long time.
People who have been suffering from asthma for a long time would agree if you say that asthma is one of the most difficult diseases to control. The reason for this is that asthma can be triggered by just about anything and everything. People may eat foods that could trigger an asthma attack just because they were not aware that they were allergic to it. Some may have difficulty breathing in the morning just because they weren’t able to get enough sleep the night before. There are also others who suffer from an asthma attack after cleaning their room or the house because they were not aware that dust mites could trigger the attack. The lack of knowledge of what could trigger their asthma is really one of the reasons that make it hard for people to come up with the challenges that asthma poses.
And yet even with an understanding of what can trigger asthma, there are still people who can suffer from it and this is when people are in search for possible options on how to treat asthma. Some are lucky to find a treatment plan that could work for them not only because it is able to reduce the risk of asthma complications but the treatment plan does not require them to make a total change in their lifestyle while there are others who have spent a lifetime to find ways on how to treat asthma but has never found one that would suit them, their lifestyle and their budget. And yet people often forget that the best way to treat asthma is really to go back to what is natural. Asthma is a disease that people suffer from because that moved away from what is healthy.
With the numerous so called healthy ways of recovering from asthma, which one of them could work best for me? The question of which asthma treatment can work for you is not answerable by a doctor’s recommendation alone. It needs your commitment and your understanding that the natural method will be difficult but it will be fruitful in the end. Sometimes, even if people say that they would like their asthma to be treated, they often end up suffering from the worst forms of an asthma attack simply because they did not stick to their natural treatment plan.
People who are suffering asthma must stick to their plan to make it work. It is usually a mixture of proper diet enhanced by a healthy serving of fresh fruits and vegetables and at the same time a regular exercise routine. It is only through this that one would be able to fully recover from asthma and perhaps never suffer from an asthma attack for a very long time.
Getting back to what is "Natural" is absolutely the key and is actually the reason I now believe we even suffer from asthma at all. As a former asthmatic (yes former - as in I no longer have it) I have learned through the discoveries of K. Buteyko and Breathing Normalization™ that the main cause of asthma is overbreathing or hyperventilation. This over breathing causes an un-natural balance of CO2 and Oxygen in the lungs and therefore affects the entire body. The bronchial spasms, mucus, coughing,nasal polyps and swelling, sneezing, lack of air feeling, and overall fear of our own breathing are all our bodies way of trying to make us breathe less and to normalize those levels of CO2 and oxygen in the lungs. By learning the natural, holistic, and drug free Breathing Normalization™ Method I was able to eliminate all of these symptoms by re-creating my bodies natural state. I feel amazaing!!! No more steroids, nebulizers, rescue inhalers, or even allergy medicine! At 34 I have just now started to truely live a healthy life. Learn more about this method at www.breathingcenter.com
Tobacco smoke can do so much more damage than natural irritants such as pollen because it contains so many potentially harmful chemicals.
The most urgent task when succumbing to an asthma attack is to obtain relief from it as quickly as possible before it becomes serious. Many people are using simple acupressure exercises to deal with an asthma attack.
They are like acupuncture but without the needles, and you can administer it on yourself.
They have been used for centuries in the Far East in maximising health and providing a remedy for conditions such as asthma. Here is an exercise that will help bring relief from an asthma attack.
Find the two hollows on either side of your breastbone just below your collarbone. Press these two points for about a minute while breathing deeply and relaxing as much as possible.
You should find your symptoms rapidly decline. For the best results, do this three or four times a day until your allergy symptoms subside you can check out more detail by visiting this beautifull website which give real information www.copds.com
I hope this helps.
Informative post and very well written. I really appreciate the construction of words in this post. - Online Pharmacy
I heard that medicinal marijuana can cure asthma. It is true that smoking medicinal marijuana can cure asthma?
Yeah! Healing the natural way! 2 thumbs up to my brother!
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